Please consider adding Juneau Audubon Society to your list of donations or adding a higher donation.
Thank you for your generosity.
Make a donation here:
The button will take you to a secure on-line site powered by Square.
Make your donation here:
The button will take you to our Paypal donation page for the Juneau Audubon Society.
Membership Chair
Juneau Audubon Society
P.O. Box 21725
Juneau, AK 99802-1725
The Juneau Audubon Society is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit and your gift is tax deductible. Our federal tax identification number is: 92-0100446.
Thank you for your donation!
Membership renewals are due in January each year. JAS memberships run through the calendar year from January to December.
We are grateful for you!
Renew your local membership here:
The button will take you to a secure on-line site powered by Paypal.
The Juneau Audubon Society is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit and your membership gift is tax deductible. Our federal tax identification number is: 92-0100446.
Thank you for your participation in our mission!
Help the Juneau Audubon Society earn donations simply by shopping with your Fred Meyer Rewards Card!
Fred Meyer is donating $2.5 million per year to non-profits in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington, based on where their customers tell them to give. Here’s how the program works: Sign up for the Community Rewards program by linking your Fred Meyer Rewards Card to the Juneau Audubon Society at
You can search for us by our name or by our non-profit number: 90656. Then, every time you shop and use your Rewards Card, you are helping the Juneau Audubon Society earn a donation!
You still earn your Rewards Points, Fuel Points, and Rebates, just as you do today. If you do not have a Rewards Card, they are available at the Customer Service desk of any Fred Meyer store. Please take a moment and sign up today!
Pick Click Give is open now! Please consider Juneau Audubon Society for your giving!
Contributions like yours mean the world to us, as it helps us to conserve the natural ecosystems of #SoutheastAlaska, focusing on birds, other wildlife, and their habitats for the benefit and enjoyment of current and future generations. We couldn’t do what we do without the support you and other Alaskans provide through this program.