Point Bridget State Park and Cowee Creek, located about 36 miles north of Juneau, and near the end of the current road system, is a diverse mix of forest, meadow, riverine, and marine habitats. The state park trail leads down through muskegs and into wet forest, then along the edge of the Cowee meadow. When you reach the mouth of the creek, you can look out towards Berners Bay.
Birding in this area requires a greater commitment of time given the drive and associated hiking involved in a visit. However, those that make the effort are often rewarded, with species such as Townsend’s Solitaire, Northern Goshawk, Warbling Vireo, Common Yellowthroat, Three-toed Woodpecker, and more. If it is bug season, hikers here should be prepared. Also, if spawning salmon are present in Cowee Creek, people should be on the alert for bears. Both black and brown bears frequent the area.