Arctic Tern by G Baluss

Bird Studies & Conservation Intern Sought

  • Juneau Audubon Society is seeking an intern based in Juneau, Alaska. The position is designed to give valuable work experience to those aspiring in careers of biology, research, wildlife, non-profit or environmental work.
  • Typical duties include Tree Swallow nest box checks, assistance with hummingbird banding and Arctic Tern nest monitoring; data entry and document scanning; help with other wildlife projects, conservation education or public outreach. Independent projects utilizing data gathered during the summer may be available according to Intern interests and organization needs. Excellent work experience for students!
  • Work dates: Approximately April 15 through July 20, 2024. There is some flexibility to accommodate finishing of courses and other commitments, especially at the beginning and end of season.
  • Schedule: Approximately 25 hours per week. Occasional weekend and early morning work will be required.
  • Compensation: $13/hr up to 375 hours
  • Desired skills: Interest in wildlife management, biology, and working with non-profit organizations; basic birdwatching skills; data entry and use of spreadsheets preferably Microsoft Excel; an introductory college-level biology or natural resource course passed; ability to hike several miles a day; ability to take neat and complete field data.
  • Volunteer needs to have their own housing near Juneau, a cell phone, health insurance, and be age 18 or older.
  • All necessary field equipment provided.
  • Transportation assistance (fuel for personal vehicle- preferred, or bus passes/bike loan) available.
  • As a small non-profit organization JAS is not able to provide transport to Juneau or housing.
  • Interested applicants please send brief letter of interest and CV to:
  • Deadline: Open until filled, but please submit by 2/28/25

Flyer JAS Intern 2025 (pdf)

Juneau Audubon Society (JAS) began collecting Bald Eagle feathers in 2010 for the National Eagle Repository in Colorado. These feathers were then distributed to native Americans throughout the United States to incorporate in traditional headwear and ceremonies.

Now, after years of conservation efforts in the lower 48 states, the Bald Eagle population has increased to the point of recovery. Due to the positive action and work from biologists, researchers, volunteers and many more, feathers are not necessarily in demand from Alaska. Hence, JAS will not be renewing their US Fish and Wildlife permit which has allowed our community volunteers to pick up Bald Eagle feathers and deliver them to us for mailing.

A huge thank you goes out to all of you who have helped JAS with feather collection over the past 14 years! Many volunteers gathered feathers, mostly one by one, and diligently placed them in the hands of a JAS board member. Such a significant number of feathers,- 14,420, have been sent to the repository by JAS over the years. Thank you so much for your efforts, contributions, and support of this project.

Our current permit expires on March 31,2025. If you want to contribute till the end of the permit, by all means, please do so. Either bring your collected feathers to our Membership Meeting and Program (second Thursday of each month), at UAS Egan lecture hall at 6:30 pm or contact Brenda Membership Meeting dates for collection are Dec. 12, Jan 9, Feb. 13, and Mar 13.

Changes within the Board of Directors

While JAS offers a kind thank you to Marsha Squires for her years of service as President, it also welcomes Nina Keller, former Vice President, as she steps into her new role as President. Nina has been the VP for a year-and-one-half and is excited to take on the ever-changing aspects of the position. Kailey Pritzl, a former At-large board member, is hitting the ground running and moving into an executive board role as Secretary. Gunalcheesh and congratulations to both Nina and Kailey!

Why not share your time and enthusiasm with the board? We could use your assistance and interest. We meet once a month on a Monday night at 6:00 pm at the valley or downtown library, Sept through May. Meetings are usually one and one-half hours.

For more details, email  

Terns, swallows and hummers, oh my!

This past summer our two dedicated interns logged over 300 hours monitoring local Arctic Terns, Tree Swallows, and Rufous Hummingbirds. Over three months they collected data to contribute to the ongoing research of these three species. An update is as follows:

Arctic Terns again returned to the Mendenhall Glacier bringing an estimated 75 individuals. Nesting commenced and the first chicks were spotted in early June. There were a few documented cases of predation from Ravens and immature eagles, however an estimated 18 chicks matured and made their way out to sea by mid July.

Like the terns, the Tree Swallows returned to occupy nesting boxes. A total of 64 boxes were erected on five separate sights: Mendenhall Peninsula, Sunny Point, Kingfisher Pond, Twin Lakes, and Fish Creek Wetlands. A vast majority of boxes were occupied by nesting pairs and a total of 363 eggs were recorded, with 269 chicks maturing to fledglings and leaving the nest.

The Rufous Hummingbirds of the community gardens returned this season with a total of 48 individuals banded over the banding sessions. This included 18 juveniles indicating that nearby nest sights were successful. There have been concerns that, with the declining populations of hummingbirds, these vivacious Trochilidines would not return in high numbers to the gardens. However, it appears they are continuing to visit our local garden area to nest and raise their young.

JAS is grateful to our hard-working interns who support our continuing bird studies, and look forward to our continued efforts in conservation and research.

With the solstice came this summer’s Trail Mix passport incentive to get out and hike. Yet, this season there is a special tweet to the event. When locating the passport post, where participants obtain their hike stamp, a sign with images of birds of the area is available to review. Our hope is for participants to take note of the sounds and activity of the local birds. As trails are important to human’s mental and physical health, habitat is critical to the lives of wildlife.

Once the passport is completed, Coppa, a locally owned coffee shop, has offered to provide a  “brew”. Participants may stop by with their stamped passport and receive a 12 oz. bag of bird-friendly coffee. Bird-friendly coffee is more than herbicide and pesticide free. Its coffee beans have been grown with birds and people in mind; protecting critical habitats (commonly in Central and South America) free of toxins, and offering fair-trade wages to workers. The beans and production are certified through the Smithsonian.

Conservation efforts take awareness and action. Hence, we encourage you to get out on the trails and bird for a brew. Your participation makes a difference and is appreciated.

For more information regarding passports: